StoryLetter July2024

It has been an incredible month! Our biggest highlight has been sharing the Gospel with our students and watching them grow. Please continue to pray for our students throughout the summer as they face different challenges and work on their relationships with Christ.

Ministry Stories

High school camp was amazing! We had more students attend this year than the previous year and it allowed us to develop new relationships and foster old ones.

While we played lots of games and activities we also engaged in deep and powerful conversations. Throughout the week we talked to the students about placing faith in Jesus because he has the ability to handle our doubts and worries.

On the last day of camp I asked the students, “What is one take away from this week?” Many of the students shared how the message resonated with them. “Although I don’t know Jesus very well I know he can handle my doubts and hold me up.” “I could pray more and have more faith.” “I haven’t really thought about putting my faith in Jesus but I am thinking about it now.”

This work gives us the privilege of planting seeds in the hearts of young people and watching them grow. Please pray for our students as they contemplate these ideas and explore the love God has to offer.

Cassandra Jameson

Bremerton Area Director

We teamed up with Tacoma for this years high school camp, the Tacoma chapter brought some of their teens from Orting, WA. It was an amazing opportunity to get to know these kids for our short time together.

On our last night of club I was speaking with my small group and I felt God place it on my heart to ask the students if they knew how to read the Bible. They all answered no. I told the group one of the best places to start is in the book of Matthew, here they can learn the story of Jesus.

We walked away from group, me not really thinking much about it until I later entered the dining hall. I noticed a young man and young woman sitting there reading the book of Matthew.

It was amazing to think that the conversations we had affected these teens. This is why I love doing this; not only are we encouraging the students but they are encouraging us as well.

Stephanie Delvalle

Central Kitsap Area Director

Liam had been hanging out at The Underground pretty regularly all year. Whenever I spotted him there, he would be surrounded by friends, cracking jokes and having a good time.

Our talks started off a bit cautious, it took awhile but eventually we had a break through were Liam opened up and shared his story with me. Knowing he had trust issues with adults made our bond even more special.

A few months ago, Liam joined one of our programs and it did not go according to plan. We emphasized grace and safety, but it definitely strained our relationship and Liam needed to take a break. He stopped showing up at The Underground and avoided me at school. All I could do was pray for him during that period.

As the school year wrapped up, we threw a barbecue for the students. I could not believe my eyes when Liam walked in with his buddies after months of radio silence. Amidst the laughter, Liam came up to me shook my hand, and gave me a hug.

He seemed lighter somehow, I was completely blown away and grateful that he came back. Looking back at that moment, I realized it was another opportunity to share the gospel with our crew, showing them how important it is to be there for each other.

I thanked God that Liam returned and I cherish the reconciliation we experienced.

Denzel Samuel

Interim Ministry Director

Upcoming Events

Our middle schoolers will be heading to Auburn, WA this week for their summer camp. Many of these students will be experience camp for the very first time, it is an honor that we get to be apart of it.

Please pray for these students. Our hope is that they get some time away from their stressful lives and get to be kids again, we hope they build incredible life-long friendships and most importantly, we hope that our middle schoolers feel the presence of God.


StoryLetter September2024


StoryLetter June2024